How can the flywheel spin faster?
Shaping the future of the tech sector
How can the flywheel spin faster?
European tech is on a strong trajectory, with venture capital delivering consistently benchmark-beating returns. However, funding, talent and policy are all critical components we must continue to fine tune. With more collaboration across private and public sectors, we can supercharge the next decade for tech. And with better accountability from founders and investors, we can deliver more on inclusivity and sustainability.
07.1 Smart policy
This year there is reason to be optimistic about the role policy can play in supporting, and potentially accelerating, the growth of the European tech ecosystem - with many cautiously optimistic about the Digital Markets Act and the possibility of (finally) addressing Europe’s fragmentation problem.
07.2 From stumbling blocks to building blocks
Companies are coming out of the blocks faster than ever and scaling at pace. But there are still many structural challenges that are putting a break on better business connectivity across Europe such as the friction associated with talent mobility or the ability to expand quickly across the region.